Archive for June 2020

Serving for Justice Project Coming to Television

I'd like to take a moment to let you know about an exciting project I have been working with Ebony Doughboys, Inc. Producers Art Collins and Steven Jones on. It is called Serving for Justice and it is about the history of the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion. It covers a wide swath of black history from the early Jim Crow laws and how the African American experience unfolded in America and how it shaped the men who would go on to fight in WWII.

This project was originally produced for the American Embassy in Belgium but has grown from that original mission and now we are preparing a version for television. To say this project is timely would be quite an understatement but it goes to show that racial inequality has been with us a long while and has not been addressed properly. Perhaps now more voices are speaking up and positive change will come about. Time will tell. I am pleased, however that the work I have done in this area has continued to be noticed.

THE LOST ELEVEN was selected as a Memorial Day Pick by the Baltimore Public Library System alongside such notable works like UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand. My coauthor, Denise George and I were very honored to have been selected. You can read about the selection HERE.

An except from the Baltimore Library about THE LOST ELEVEN is below.

"This nearly forgotten story of eleven young African American GIs captured and massacred by the Nazis in 1944 is an important piece of our World War II history. Gripping, graphic and tragic, the story of the Wereth 11 is as fast paced as it is compelling and thought provoking."

I hope you will pick up a copy of the book if you have not done so already. It is an eye opening read and provides great context for what we are seeing unfold in America right now. Purchase HERE.
Posted by Robert Child


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