Archive for 2015

D-Day On Lake Erie

Rob Child and Tony Antonucci, Commander 2nd Rangers
Recently I had the opportunity to attend my first WWII reenactment. I have been at countless Civil War and Rev War reenactments but never WWII. But in my opinion I started with the best WWII reenactmcnt out there the annual D-Day reenactment at Conneaut, Ohio

I was there to immerse myself in the time period as well as to get a sense of the general audience enthusiasm for WWII. You couldn't have gotten a more patriotic or enthusiastic crowd. Those in attendance were lovers of history and appreciative of WWII vets in particular. And I heard an announcement at the event that there were over 150 WWII vets in attendance. This event was massive but very well run and incredibly free of any admission charge. Yes, free. All the town asked for was a donation which I gladly gave. The event site is situated on the shores of Lake Erie an hour east of Cleveland in the Conneaut Town Park. The terrain actually mimicked Normandy as the park is on a high bluff overlooking the lake. And Erie being one of the "great lakes" after all looks like the ocean or the English Channel.

The most striking difference between the troops at this event and those at a Civil War event was the age. WWII Reenacting is still a young hobby and I saw many younger troops especially on the German side. Yes, they had a full German encampment with SS troops and the works. Since I am writing the WWII story, Blood and Armor, for the Ardennes Group I was very heartened to see this younger enthusiasm for the history and the time period.

The event itself was exciting. Prior to the the American troops landing on shore in the Higgins boats and other crafts the Germans fired a working 88mm gun as well as a flak wagon and MG 42 machine guns. They used these to "fire" on the troops landing. But what was ultra cool is they had American P-47 strafing the beach as well as bombers. And I even thought I caught sight of a Liberator. I took a very short video with my phone which is the reason I wanted to publish this post. My camera work is nothing to write home about but this clip gives you a sense of being there.  Enjoy!

Posted by Robert Child

Free on Amazon Today - 5-Star Thriller The Russian van Gogh

Free immediate download on Amazon this weekend only.

Link (Grab for Free on Amazon)

I wrote this story essentially as the female version of Indian Jones. I wanted  it to be a fun read, an across the globe adventure in the high stakes world of multimillion dollar art.

Here is more about the story:

A secure Russian government warehouse is breached in a violent raid. Chechen terrorist Sergey Karpov now possesses a priceless van Gogh the world thought lost in an allied bombing raid in 1945.

Seized in a German museum outside Berlin by the Red Army Trophy Brigade during the last chaotic hours of WWII the masterpiece is part of a hidden stash of billions of dollars worth of stolen art the Russians want kept secret.

Karpov's plans to extort the Putin administration are met with an iron fist and he turns to the world stage releasing a shocking tape to the BBC declaring he will burn the van Gogh and other paintings if his ransom is not paid in seven days.

The Russian van Gogh is a thrilling international race against time as the van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam posts a $10 Million dollar reward for the captured painting's return. And British Secret Service along with WWII stolen art recovery experts, The Monuments Men, all join the hunt.

The Monuments Men, founded at Harvard University, dispatches Art History Professor and Forensic Art Detective Riley Spenser, the world's leading expert on the paintings of van Gogh to authenticate the painting. If it is truly the lost van Gogh from WWII it's value could reach $300 million. Riley teams with British MI6 Agent, Justin Watson, and together speed to Moscow and eventually to the most dangerous city in Russia to find the painting.

From first page to last the story is a gripping intelligent page-turner filled with intrigue and peppered with cinematic action that jumps off the page like a major motion picture.

A fast-paced ride, The Russian van Gogh, is one of my favorite stories that I have written.
Posted by Robert Child

New Hamilton Book I Highly Recommend

I received a signed copy of Hamilton: The Formative Years from author Michael Newton today. What a wonderful surprise. Newton's book covers primarily the same period in Hamilton's life that mine does but it is much more in depth and completely different. This latest release I can imagine will be a reference for many years to come as the definitive work on Hamilton's early years. I would have loved to have consulted it when I wrote my historical fiction work on Hamilton. Among the sources I had were Flexner's work on young Alexander Hamilton.  Flexner's accuracy was not always the best. He got the name of the township where Hamilton and Washington crossed the Delaware to attack Trenton completely wrong. In his book he called it Upper Wakefield. It was Upper Makefield I know because I lived there. But this is an just an aside.

I encourage all to check out Newton's new work on Hamilton. I can't imagine the work it took to create something so authoritative. It must have been a Herculean task! So if you are at all interested in the most ambitious founding father of the United States run don't walk to your nearest book store and grab a copy or download it on your e-reader. I certainly wish Michael all the greatest success with his new book.

Here's a link to it on AMAZON

Posted by Robert Child

London Calling Soon on Presale at Amazon

On Presale Soon.

"The follow up to The Russian van Gogh."

Forensic Art Detective, Riley Spenser, returns in this thrilling follow up to the, Russian van Gogh.
Posted by Robert Child

Keep HamilTEN!

Image Courtesy of the New York Post the newspaper founded by Hamilton
I wanted to add my voice to the chorus of boos directed at the Treasury for their recent announcement that Alexander Hamilton would be removed from the $10 bill to be replaced by a woman of merit to be named later. Come again? Remove Hamilton from the currency - the first Treasury Secretary of the United States and the founder of our banking system for someone unnamed? I agree completely with, Rand Scholet, President and Founder of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society in his comments about the injustice.

"The injustice of women not yet placed on U.S. currency does not justify creating another injustice by removing Alexander Hamilton from the $10 bill. The ‘Women on 20s’ campaign makes a persuasive case for the use of the $20 bill for highlighting distinguished U.S. women. Hamilton gave the United States its economic, financial, banking, and monetary systems that strengthened the nation during its founding, and has fueled its economic growth for over 225 years. Alexander Hamilton deserves to be "Right on the Money!" 

Rand is certainly not alone. Numerous articles have appeared highlighting the outrage including articles in the New York Times.

Ron Chernow, author of Hamilton makes an eloquent unapologetic argument to keep Hamilton on the currency in a recent article on Politico.

Ironically in our increasingly politically correct world the person who deserves to be removed from the currency is Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. He is the President responsible for the Trail of Tears, which removed Native Americans from their tribal lands. If you read further into Jackson's history I am confident you will be appalled.

I had the opportunity to study Hamilton in depth while writing my historical novel Rush on Boys: Hamilton at War. I felt after months and months I came to understand the man and his motivations and especially his hopes and dreams for what America could be. We live in Hamilton's America not Jefferson's and the groundwork that Hamilton laid has supported our nation's economy for over 225 years. He was an immigrant who saw the greatness of America before it was even a nation. And in my opinion we should honor and celebrate the man who gave us so much by keeping him "on the money." 

If you want to learn more about the Keep HamilTEN initiative the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society has created a Resource Page with many links and quotes. They will also be highlighting this issue at their upcoming Celebrate Hamilton Days July 10 - 14 in NY/NJ. More information HERE.

Posted by Robert Child

99th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme

Ninety nine years ago today, July 1, 1916 was the bloodiest day in the history of the British Army. On this day more than 57,000 casualties occurred in a capture of less than five miles of ground. Imagine that type of carnage. Even casualties in the battle of Gettysburg which occurred over three days are thought by most historians to number around 51,000.

WWI, the Great War, was thought by most combatants involved to be the LAST WAR. They thought it had to be so terrible as to prevent another one. Well history of course proved them wrong. 100 years ago in 1915 marked the introduction of gas attacks on the battlefield. It was a horrific way to die as many at first did not know what was happening but once they did it was too late. They died essentially from drowning from the fluid in their own collapsed lungs.

I have written a book on the last 100 days of the war called, How Canada Won The Great War. It is a provocative title but one that is based on meticulous research and absolutely accurate. You can pick up a copy at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other places.

Below is an audio except from the book which describes the Battle of the Somme read by the great Colin McLean. It is available on itunes and
Posted by Robert Child

Thomas Child Cited for Courage at Fredericksburg Battle

I wanted to write a follow up post to my discovery about my Great-grandfather, Thomas Webber Child. And a debt of gratitude goes out to Don Thompson historian of the 18th Massachusetts for this information.

First of all I knew little about my Dad's side of the family but came to a point in my life where I felt it was long overdue to find out more. And what I discovered about my lineage was astounding. Not only did I learn more about my Great-grandfather's service in the Civil War but I discovered that my 4th Great Grandfather, Jonas Child from Waltham, MA fought with Abraham Pierce's Company at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. He subsequently fought at the battle of Dorchester Heights and of course survived the war.

Returning to Thomas what was incredible was that a Carte de Visite survived and last week I came across a picture of him on the website Find a Grave. According to Don Thompson 1400 men served in the 18th Massachusetts but only about 110 images of them exist. So this photo that I am sharing with you now is truly rare.

Thomas Child, My Great-grandfather
Thomas Webber Child:  born Dec. 11, 1837 at Dorchester, MA, the son of Jonathan and Sarah Child. Per the 1860 U.S. Census, Thomas, age 22,  was listed as the head of household as his father died in 1853. The home was occupied by his mother Sarah, age 24, sisters Hannah C., age 24, and Louisa, age 18, and brothers France J., age 14, and Fred E., age 10.

Child  was a 23 year-old Shoemaker from North Bridgewater, MA, (Brockton) when he enlisted in that town on August 24, 1861 and was mustered into the 18th Mass. Infantry on August 24, 1861 as a Private in Co. E.  Per records he was 5 ft. 6-3/4 in. tall, with a dark complexion, hazel eyes, and brown hair.

 He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant on Nov. 1, 1862.  Child was engaged with the Regiment in 1862 at the Battle of Fredericksburg. He was one of 11 men from Company E cited for their courage at the battle of Fredericksburg, fought on Dec. 13, 1862, by Lt. Col. Joseph Hayes, regimental commander (see citation below).

Head Quarters 18th Regiment Mass. Infty
Camp near Potomac Creek Va Dec. 21 62

General Order No. 51

The Lieut. Col. Hayes Commanding conceives it his duty to publish in Orders the names of those brave men of the command who when repulsed in the first charge made by this Regiment upon the Enemys batteries in the action of the 13th this attested their courage discipline and devotion by again rallying around their colors and advancing to the second attack.

Co. "E"
Sergeant T. Child  (Thomas W.)
               N. Dorr  (Nathan)
Corporal  Walter Weston       (Killed in action)
               Henry Wright
Private    Edmund Churchill
               C.A. Broadbent  (Charles W.)
               Henry Weston
               Francis Purrington
               Jesse Swift
               Ham Wadsworth  (Hamilton)
               James J. Dowd

Thomas was with the Regiment during 1862 in the Peninsula Campaign, including the siege at Yorktown, Second Bull Run, where the Regiment absolutely got decimated, Shepardstown, and Fredericksburg.  In 1863 he would have been at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg along with a number of other relatively minor actions.  The Regiment, for example, only had about 110 men

Diary Entry: A Trip to Alexandria, VA Feb 5, 1862

Diary of David C. Meechan, Co. E (Drew Archival Library, Duxbury, MA)
"February 5 [1862] - Sun out this morning.  Tom Child , Herbert Baker , and myself got passes from our colonel to go to Alexandria for all day.  Had a nice time.  Queer looking old town, old fashioned buildings, narrow, muddy streets.  No business but military, lots of soldiers, provost guards, freight details, officers, and men like ourselves on leave to see the town.  Only a few restaurants and rum shops open doing business, unruly soldiers cleaned others out.  We got back to camp at night; came on the military railroad free.  Mud, mud, mud.  We can not move on the enemy now, and I guess the enemy cannot move on us."

18th Mass Infantry Monument, Gettysburg Battlefield

At Gettysburg Thomas fought with the 18th Mass under Colonel William Tilton and the First Brigade under General Barnes and the 5th Corp. They fought a fierce battle near the Wheatfield and the Rose Woods. Below is an except from Col. Tilton's actual report on the battle.

Middletown, Md., July 9, 1863.

    "At 4:30 p.m. on July 2, the brigade, under my command, advanced to the front, and was placed, by order of General Barnes, in order of battle in a piece of woods at the south of Mr. Rose's house. The Second Brigade was on our left, but there being no infantry upon our right, I made a crotchet by refusing the right wing of my right battalion (One hundred and eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Gwyn).
                        No sooner was the line formed than the foe attacked our front. The onslaught was terrible and my losses heavy--so much so that I was somewhat doubtful if our line could withstand it. This fact I communicated to the general commanding division, who ordered me to fall back in good order if unable to hold the position; but my men behaved nobly, and twice repulsed the assailants. My colonels wished to advance. Being anxious about my right, however, I reconnoitered in person, and discovered the enemy in large force coming from the direction of Rose's house, with the evident design of outflanking me. I immediately retired and took up a new position (in two lines), at the left and rear of a battery which had been posted about 300 yards to my right and rear. The battery soon commenced to retreat, firing, followed by the rebels, who were now again upon my right flank. To avoid this flank movement, I retired, firing, a short distance in the timber, and then moved across an open field, took up a new position upon the right of the Second Division, and reported to General Sykes. In this last movement I was greatly embarrassed by squads of men and parts of regiments, who, hurrying from the front, broke into and through my line. I think, however, that I saved my brigade from great disaster after it could no longer do any good in front, and succeeded in forming a new line, which was retained through the night.
            All of my officers and men did their duty, their whole duty, and showed the greatest coolness and courage, and where all did so well it were invidious to mention names.
On the 3d, we relieved the Third Brigade, on duty, holding the rocky hill upon the extreme left. (Little Round Top)
        On the 4th, I advanced the brigade to the edge of the woods in our front, and sent out a strong line of skirmishers to feel the enemy. The report of this reconnaissance has been made by order directly to Major-General Sykes.
        My loss on the 2d instant was 12 killed, 80 wounded, and 17 missing; total, 109.
        Owing to forced marches, we had remaining on the 2d only 474 men, and as part of these were not actually engaged, it will be seen that the percentage of loss is very great."

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel, Commanding First Brigade.

After Gettysburg Thomas Child drew what was considered a very plum assignment, In late July 1863, he was assigned to train recruits in Long Island and Galloups Island, both in Boston Harbor, from July 21, 1863 to June 20, 1864. The diary entry below by David Meechan confirms the assignment as well as David's envy that he was not going.

"July 19, 1863 diary of David C. Meechan, Co. E Pleasant again today.  Another short march about five miles toward the Gap.  Tom Child and Capt. [Thomas] Weston are detailed to go home to drill conscripts.  I wished I could go."

Thomas was mustered out of military service on August 23, 1864 at the expiration of his three year enlistment. Following his military service, Child resided in North Bridgewater (now Brockton), MA, where he worked as Shoe fitter. He married Martha B. Sawyer, the 21 year old daughter of George and Susan, at Bridgewater, MA on Sept. 18, 1870.   Per the 1880 Census he resided with his wife Martha B., age 31, and 4 year-old daughter Susan E. at 153 Keith Ave., Brockton. He ended up having four children; Susan, Warren, Wilbur and my grandfather Herbert Shurtleff Child who was born in Brockton, MA on April 27, 1883 and married Genevieve Hoyt at Brockton on October 11, 1904.  Herbert and Genevieve had three children, Madeline, born in 1907, Donald S. born in 1910, and my father Robert Warren Child, born in 1912.

Tom Child was a member of the Fletcher Webster, G.A.R. Post No. 13, Brockton.  He applied for an Invalid pension on Dec. 21, 1900 and received initial  benefits of $6.00 per month under Certificate #: 1025516, due to disabilities from rheumatism, a hernia, and piles.  Child, who was receiving a pension of $30 per month, died at his home, 36 Keith Ave., Brockton, MA on Jan. 21, 1914 and was buried at Union Cemetery, Brockton.

New Screenplay and Manuscript Analysis and Consulting Services Offered

Today I am announcing new professional services for authors as well as screenwriters.  I have been asked by folks over the years to review or take a look at their stories. I am always humbled as it means they value my opinion. But they also know I have actually sold and produced stuff in addition to having a publishing deal with Random House. So they get pretty sound advice.

So I am announcing the availability of my script and story consulting services with a wide variety of choices all purchasable online. It could not be easier and turn around is fast. My insight will help you know if you're on the right track, strengthen your character development as well as story arc. But ultimately my industry insight will make your project more marketable and sellable. Who knows it may even help to land you a writing deal with a major publishing house! No guarantees of course.

One thing I have always loved is writing. It is my passion and escape and profession. So if you are a writer at any skill level explore my offerings at the link below. There are economical options all the way up to full manuscript analysis. And of course I offer straight hourly consulting as well.

When you have a moment check all the options out at the link below. And thanks in advance if you become a valued client.

Posted by Robert Child

My Great Grandfather Fought at Little Round Top

18th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
I guess you can file this in the category of amazing discoveries, or simply "wow I never knew!" Thanks to a free trial at I discovered my Civil War lineage. I have done count 'em three films on Gettysburg one on Antietam and have two box-sets at PBS Home Video, America and the Civil War and Gettysburg and the Civil War. I never stopped to consider, however, that I might have a personal history with the War Between the States or why the pull was so strong to do these films but now I know why.

There in the Massachusetts official record my Great Grandfather Thomas W. Child (1837-1914) mustered in to Company "E" of the 18th Massachusetts on August 24th (my youngest son's birthday) 1861 as a private. He made Sargent on November 2nd 1862. He mustered out on August 23, 1864 after the required three-year enlistment. Thomas was the father of Herbert S. Child my grandfather and father to Robert Warren Child my father born in 1912. To say I was both astonished and proud about this discovery would be an understatement. My father's side of the family always remained a mystery to me as he died young at 55 when I was just  4 years old.

The 18th Mass fought gallantly at Second Battle of Bull Run, Shepardstown, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and of course Gettysburg.
At Gettysburg they were part of the 5th Corps arriving on July 2nd to take a position at the base of Little Round Top where even after Chamberlain's famous charge the fight was still raging.  On the 3rd from their position recorded in diaries they clearly described seeing the Confederates launch their ill conceived final charge. And in fact the 18th was there with Union artillery to help make Pickett's Charge a thundering hell.

I will write more about Thomas W. Child as I dig deeper into the unit history. This has certainly been a personal thrill to know I have a connection to the battle which I have produced three films on. I just don't know why I didn't look into this earlier.

More Info:
18th Mass Website
Their Blog
Wikipedia Entry
Posted by Robert Child

Blood and Armor in Development with Ardennes Group

"Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men." Gen. George S. Patton
I have been commissioned to write and direct a new project with the Joseph Small and the Ardennes Group producer of The Wereth Eleven. It is a WWII feature film which we've titled, Blood and Armor. This is a two hour theatrical release not a television documentary or a docudrama.  I am beginning discussions with potential strategic partners including the visual effects firm which completed much of the special effects for Brad Pitt's WWII tank film, Fury. Although this project is still in the development stage the writing has already begun. If I were to categorize this movie it would be your classic WWII action feature with heart stopping moments and edge of your seat action. This isn't your grandfather's Battle of the Bulge movie and I will keep you regularly updated with our progress.

Here's the story:

The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (82nd Airborne) is ordered during the third day of Battle of the Bulge to do the impossible. Their assignment - seize and hold a heavily fortified German occupied town, capture a bridge and stop cold the thundering advance of German Waffen SS Commander, Joaquin Pieper’s armored divisions which stretch back sixteen miles.

The farthest advanced troops of Pieper’s armored SS are dug in on high ground at Cheneux, Belgium in impregnable positions. They command an arsenal of 30 tanks, a dozen 20mmm flak wagons, MG42 machine guns, 105mm howitzers and half-tracks with mounted 77mm cannons. Paratroopers of the 504th carry the M-1 Garand. The Americans have to advance across 1000 yards of open, snow encrusted ground and fourteen rows of barbed wire to attack the enemy.

Col. Reuben “Retreat Hell!” Tucker in charge of the 504th, a grizzled combat vet who Gen. Gavin calls, “the best combat field commander in the 82nd” knows for many of his men this attack will be their last. He compares his situation to the doomed final charge at Gettysburg as, “men against metal.”

With two battalions at his disposal and time running out before 25 German divisions engulf his position Tucker orders a bold daylight attack with two platoons. The assault is a disaster. Ordered to temporarily withdraw and regroup at 5:30P Tucker has no choice but to then order a nighttime attack at 7:30P. Two companies of the 504th, B & C attack Cheneux in echelon assault waves and storm the strongly entrenched enemy. Facing the heavy fire of 20 mm cannon, machine gun, mortar and small arms most of the Americans are cut down in the first 35 minutes of battle. One Sergeant reports, “the men fell like flies.

By 10P that night a wire was laid to Regimental HQ and Col. Will Harrison, was on the phone to Tucker. “Will! How’s it going?” Tucker anxiously asks his field commander.
“Pretty rough. We are in the middle of town.”
“How many men have you got?”
“15 in B and 8 in C” Harrison responds.
The blood drains from Tucker’s face, “My God Will!” What are you doing?” Harrison responds calmly, “We’re still attacking.”
* Dialog based on a letter sent after the battle.

With dog-faced determination out of ammunition but undaunted the 504th resort to primal hand-to-hand combat. The Germans match their intensity. Trench knives slit throats, rifle butts crack skulls and bayonet charges spill guts.

By the time killing ends, the First Battalion of the 504th Parachute Infantry has destroyed five companies of German SS Armored troops and large quantities of artillery, vehicles and one Mark VI tank. They seal a trap for thirty tanks and ninety-five trucks. The 504th incurs 225 casualties in 2 days. In the 1st battalion "B" company no officers remained while only 18 enlisted men survive. Only 3 officers with 38 enlisted men in "C" company walk away.

Pieper forced to reroute to the next town north Stoumont where the 30th Infantry Division finally halts his assault. On Christmas Eve, three days after the battle at Cheneux Pieper abandons his vehicles and escapes through the woods and deep snow with 800 men. 36 hours and 20 kilometers later he reaches German lines.

Posted by Robert Child
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Pearl Buck Film Released on Amazon Today

Nice way to start the month, Pearl Buck: A Life, A Legacy, is now on Amazon on DVD. Streaming version soon to follow. Check out the life of a literary legend. Click the image at left to go to Amazon.
Posted by Robert Child

WWII Unheralded Courage Presentation May 3rd

To commemorate the victory of World War II seventy years ago I will be giving a video presentation on UNHERALDED COURAGE featuring clips from my WWII films and a Panel Discussion with 3 Local WWII Veterans.

Edward Torres - Private First Class, Army - Fought in Battle of the Bulge,
Wounded in Action, Awarded 8 Medals
Frank Fazzalore – Corporal, Army - Wounded after crossing the Rhine River,
Awarded 5 Medals
Robert Hileman – Ship Service Second Class Petty Officer, Navy
Re-enlisted to serve in Korea, Awarded 4 Medals

When: Sun., May 3rd - 3 to 4 pm. Adults $5; Students Free
Where: Masonic Lodge - Edgewood & Heacock, Lower Makefield (Yardley, PA)

Event Benefits Veteran Square Monument in Yardley

I will share stories, video clips & behind-the-scenes anecdotes from the making of my three WWII films:
 USS Franklin survived a direct hit by a Japanese armor-piercing bomb, and the events that followed made the story one of the most dramatic and inspiring in naval history.


Wereth Eleven is the story of 11 Black GI’s who escaped capture during the Battle of the Bulge, only to be found killed by the Nazi SS.


Silent Wings chronicles the unsung heroism of America’s WWII Glider Pilots.

Posted by Robert Child

Pearl Buck Film Available on Amazon in May

After months and months of work, Pearl S. Buck: A Life, A Legacy, will be available for sale next month on This project was actually four years in the making as I had been invited to the Pearl Buck Foundation and historical site in Buck County to determine if "there was a story to be told".
There most definitely was and myself along with my co-producers, Robert G. and Robert E. Campbell, of the Continental Film Alliance got down to work. It seemed quite a mystery to me that Ms. Buck such a literary giant was not more widely known and celebrated for her accomplishments. This film I hope will go a long way to help change all that. We had the full cooperation of Pearl S. Buck International and the film was shot on global scale with film work being done in the UK.
This was a departure for me from my mainstays of war and history but a refreshing one in both the writing and execution of the film. I am exceeding proud of the final result and many folks who have seen it are quite emotionally moved for which I am gratified and humbled. I wanted to do justice to Pearl Buck and it was quite a tall challenge I set for myself; bring this literary icon to life, humanize her, cheer for her and cry with her and ultimately make you a devoted fan of hers. You can judge the final result for yourself when the DVD becomes available worldwide next month. If you can't wait the film is currently now on sale at the Pearl S. Buck house gift shop in Bucks County. I'd recommend a trip there to see the site as well as meet the folks who are keeping her legacy vibrant and alive. It's well worth the trip!
Posted by Robert Child

Excerpt from the forthcoming London Calling


This is the follow up Riley Spenser / Monuments Men thriller. This is the next book in the series led by The Russian van Gogh.
I wanted to share an excerpt from a chapter with you.

Chapter 4

St. Stephens Tavern, London

The morning debrief  had unfolded as Justin had expected - disastrous. He was not used to coming out on the short end of a mission. Being recalled home was the height of professional embarrassment. Transfer was a looming possibility, demotion or worse. Justin pondered it all and his next move as he raised a Dorset ale to his lips at a small black circular table near the curving mahogany bar. St. Stephens, a gilded age era pub, boasted tin-coffered twenty foot ceilings and dark paneled walls. It had a comforting old world feel that Justin needed right now. At his table by the window he regularly glanced back over his shoulder out to the busy street. Suddenly beside his table appeared the lanky man he was hoping to see. Justin turned back from the window surprised, “Director?”
“Never use the front door, Watson, especially when there is a need for discretion,” Jeremy Lloyd deadpanned.
Justin nodded and motioned him to a chair, “Thanks for seeing me.”
The Director of Special Investigations had pretty much saved Justin’s hide during the recovery of the van Gogh in Russia directing insertion of Georgian Special Forces and enlisting CIA support. Justin knew he would be dead in a Grozny alley or worse if weren’t for Jeremy Lloyd.
“ I cannot stay long but I will have a pint,” Lloyd said as he turned back around and waved two fingers in the air to the bartender who snapped to attention. In short order two frothy pints arrived.
“I hear events did not go well.”
“Well? Disastrous might be a more appropriate term.” Justin moaned.
“Syria is fluid. The situation grows graver by the day.”
Justin nodded.
“And British strategy has been constantly evolving.”
“And there’s the issue,” as Justin leaned forward intense, “We are now propping up a regime that has killed hundreds of thousands. First we are supplying arms to the rebels, next we are cutting ties… No one trusts us. I had to put a bullet in the head of the Commander I had sheparded arms to the month before. It is madness.”
“It is Britain’s new homeland protection strategy. There is a looming chemical catastrophe in Syria. Assad has vast stockpiles of Sarin, Ricin, mustard gas and VX. We have confirmed usage from the Americans of multiple deployments of Sarin on bands of opposition fighters.”

Posted by Robert Child

Now Available on Amazon America's First D-day film

Folks interested in a fresh retelling of the Crossing of the Delaware should check out the newly released DVD,  America's First D-day Washington Crossing. It is the film I wrote and directed last year for the Continental Film Alliance, LLC

Our first President is often remembered as a humble, grey wigged, elder statesman. But by 1776 the American Revolution almost came to an end. George Washington made a bold move that saved the American cause. The Continental Army crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Day to attack the Hessians in Trenton. This was America's First D-Day.

Posted by Robert Child

Happy Birthday today Alexander Hamilton

Today January 11th is Alexander Hamilton's birthday. In my view he was one of the most forward thinking and astute Founding Fathers. He created our modern banking system and so much more. I thought it would be a good time to share some of his quotes. Also check out, Rush on Boys: Hamilton at War my historical novel about his wartime service.

There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.

The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased.

A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.

The nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one.
Posted by Robert Child

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