Archive for December 2013
Invite the Mob Over for Boxing Day in the UK

The story:
The bodies are piling high -- 36 unsolved gangland murders at last count -- and FBI Supervisor Hans Bauer has to do the unthinkable: put tough, independent Special Agent Frank Murray back on the squad he was twice kicked out of, Organized Crime.
Mafia Kingpin Nick Scarponi is back from prison and orchestrating the bloodiest reign of mob killings in Philadelphia history and Frank Murray, who tossed Scarponi in the can three years earlier, is his #1 target.
The taunt, tense, visually gritty story leaps off the page and grabs you by the throat. The action-packed tale could only be crafted by someone who knows the art of cinematic pacing--acclaimed Director and Emmy® nominated filmmaker, Robert Child.
Blood Betrayal is a classic, big city mafia crime story that cuts to the bone. It feels all too real because it is. The story is based on an historic FBI prosecution and investigation led by Charles "Bud" Warner the real life Frank Murray. FBI Director William Sessions, Attorney General Janet Reno and President Bill Clinton commended him for his extraordinary work on this case.
Blood Betrayal is a thrill ride of twists and turns and vividly drawn characters such as "Center City" Charlie, mob con man Nick "The Crow" Consiglioni and Murray's wife, Marlene, a gold-digger whose affair with a doctor is brought to a screeching halt by Murray in a scene that has to be read to be believed.
Former Philadelphia resident and director David Lynch chillingly described the city during the time of Blood Betrayal: "It was a very sick, twisted, violent, fear-ridden, decadent, decaying place. I felt like I was constantly in danger. But it was so fantastic at the same time. The people had stories etched in their faces."
Summon your courage and enter this world if you dare.
Invite the Mob Over for Christmas Eve

The story: The bodies are piling high -- 36 unsolved gangland murders at last count -- and FBI Supervisor Hans Bauer has to do the unthinkable: put tough, independent Special Agent Frank Murray back on the squad he was twice kicked out of, Organized Crime.
Mafia Kingpin Nick Scarponi is back from prison and orchestrating the bloodiest reign of mob killings in Philadelphia history and Frank Murray, who tossed Scarponi in the can three years earlier, is his #1 target.
The taunt, tense, visually gritty story leaps off the page and grabs you by the throat. The action-packed tale could only be crafted by someone who knows the art of cinematic pacing--acclaimed Director and Emmy® nominated filmmaker, Robert Child.
Blood Betrayal is a classic, big city mafia crime story that cuts to the bone. It feels all too real because it is. The story is based on an historic FBI prosecution and investigation led by Charles "Bud" Warner the real life Frank Murray. FBI Director William Sessions, Attorney General Janet Reno and President Bill Clinton commended him for his extraordinary work on this case.
Blood Betrayal is a thrill ride of twists and turns and vividly drawn characters such as "Center City" Charlie, mob con man Nick "The Crow" Consiglioni and Murray's wife, Marlene, a gold-digger whose affair with a doctor is brought to a screeching halt by Murray in a scene that has to be read to be believed.
Former Philadelphia resident and director David Lynch chillingly described the city during the time of Blood Betrayal: "It was a very sick, twisted, violent, fear-ridden, decadent, decaying place. I felt like I was constantly in danger. But it was so fantastic at the same time. The people had stories etched in their faces."
Summon your courage and enter this world if you dare.
Pennsylvania Congressmen Gerlach and Fattah Recogize the Wereth 11
Two Pennsylvania Congressmen, Jim Gerlach and Chaka Fattah issued a joint press release today announcing their introduction of a resolution formally recognizing the service of the Wereth 11. The full press release is below.
CONTACT: IMMEDIATE RELEASEKori Walter, District Director (Rep. Gerlach) December 10, 2013
610.594.1415 or 610.223.1767 (cell)
610.594.1415 or 610.223.1767 (cell)
Allyson Freeman, Communications Director (Rep. Fattah)
Gerlach, Fattah recognize service and sacrifice of black soldiers massacred during Battle of the Bulge
WASHINGTON – As we near the 69th anniversary of one of the decisive battles in Europe during World War II, U.S. Reps. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) and Chaka Fattah (PA-2nd District) have introduced a resolution that would formally recognize the valor and sacrifice of 11 black soldiers captured, tortured and ruthlessly executed by Nazi troops in a pasture in Wereth, Belgium on the second day of the Battle of the Bulge.
The resolution, H. Con. Res. 68, also calls on the U.S. Senate’s Armed Services Committee to revise a 1949 subcommittee report to include an appropriate recognition of the massacre of the 11 black soldiers of the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion of the U.S. Army who were beaten, stabbed and shot multiple times at the hands of their Nazi captors almost seven decades ago on December 17, 1944. The original subcommittee report documented a dozen similar massacres during the Battle of the Bulge, but did not include any reference to the killings in Wereth.
The 11 soldiers massacred, known as the “Wereth 11”, were: Curtis Adams of South Carolina; Mager Bradley of Mississippi, George Davis Jr. of Alabama; Thomas Forte of Mississippi; Robert Green of Georgia; James Leatherwood of Mississippi; Nathaniel Moss of Texas; George Motten of Texas; William Pritchett of Alabama; James Stewart of West Virginia; and Due Turner of Arkansas.
“Our country shall be forever grateful to every member of the ‘Greatest Generation’ who contributed to the defeat of fascism in Europe and laid down their lives so that future generations could enjoy the blessing of freedom,” Gerlach said. “Every now and then, it takes history a while to accurately reflect the monumental moments that have helped chart its course. That’s certainly the case with these 11 black soldiers who courageously fought on the front line in the Ardennes against a relentless enemy and eventually made the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow soldiers and our nation. This resolution is a tribute nearly seven decade overdue. And it is indeed a privilege to work with my colleague, Congressman Fattah, to ensure that the story of the exemplary service and incredible sacrifice of these 11 black soldiers is always remembered.”
Fattah added: "The valiant efforts and unequal sacrifice of the Wereth 11 soldiers deserves to be commemorated in our country’s history. These are men whose heroic story has been lost to time, but whose names must be honored, and whose accounts we must share today and into the future. I am proud to join with my colleague Rep. Gerlach in paying reverence to their courage and bravery, recalling their lives of service, and ensuring their story fighting for freedom over tyranny is told for decades to come."
Historians note that that the Battle of the Bulge began December 16, 1944 as Nazi Germany launched an aggressive assault on American and Allied Forces in Belgium in a desperate attempt to shift the momentum of the war back in Germany’s favor. While Nazi tanks and troops initially overran many battalions, American and Allied Forces rallied and eventually prevailed in Belgium, advancing into Germany and toppling the brutal Nazi regime.
A 1949 Senate Armed Services Committee documented and investigated 12 incidents of Nazi troops massacring captured American troops and Belgian civilians during the Battle of the Bulge, but the Committee’s report omitted the killings in Wereth, and history nearly overlooked the horrific deaths of the 11 members of the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion.
Wereth resident Herman Langer, whose father had provided bread and shelter from the bitter cold to the 11 African-American soldiers just before they were captured, was the first to formally pay tribute in 1996 by placing a cross in the pasture where the massacre occurred.
Fifteen years later, Norman Lichtenfeld, the son of a Battle of the Bulge veteran, helped raise money to buy the property and erect a permanent memorial in Wereth.
# # #
Wereth Eleven Story Sparks Congressional Action
In an incident perhaps akin to lightening striking the same producer / director twice last week US Congressman, Jim Gerlach, 6th District, Pennsylvania office in Washington reached out to me. They informed me that this coming week they planned to introduce a bill in Congress to honor the service of the fallen Wereth Eleven.
Six years ago in 2007 Congresswoman, Carolyn McCarthy, of New York spearheaded a Joint Congressional Resolution to honor the service of America's WWII glider pilots. The catalyst for her steering of the bill through the armed services committee was the release that spring of my film with Inecom Entertainment, Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of WWII. The glider pilots were one of the few remaining front-line units in WWII which had never had their service recognized. Congresswoman McCarthy was able to schedule the vote on the bill on the same day of Silent Wing's release, March 20, 2007. The measure went on to pass unanimously.
In this new House Resolution being submitted for consideration this week Congressman Gerlach not only wants to recognize the service of the Wereth Eleven but the ultimate goal is to correct the Congressional War Crimes Report of 1949 by adding the war crime at Wereth to the official record. This was pointed out in our story as very much the "smoking gun" which is revealed at the end of the film.
On behalf of the production team and myself we are equal parts humbled and thrilled that our production may have played a small role in bringing the virtually unknown story of the Wereth Eleven to the attention of the American public and Congress. And the potential to literally rewrite the historical record with the addition of the Wereth Eleven war crime to the official 1949 Congressional Report is an incredible development that none of us would have ever imagined when we began the project.
In closing I'll just leave you with the rallying cry that drove my team forward in bringing the story of the Wereth Eleven to life, "It's For the Men."
Six years ago in 2007 Congresswoman, Carolyn McCarthy, of New York spearheaded a Joint Congressional Resolution to honor the service of America's WWII glider pilots. The catalyst for her steering of the bill through the armed services committee was the release that spring of my film with Inecom Entertainment, Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of WWII. The glider pilots were one of the few remaining front-line units in WWII which had never had their service recognized. Congresswoman McCarthy was able to schedule the vote on the bill on the same day of Silent Wing's release, March 20, 2007. The measure went on to pass unanimously.
Jim Gerlach |
On behalf of the production team and myself we are equal parts humbled and thrilled that our production may have played a small role in bringing the virtually unknown story of the Wereth Eleven to the attention of the American public and Congress. And the potential to literally rewrite the historical record with the addition of the Wereth Eleven war crime to the official 1949 Congressional Report is an incredible development that none of us would have ever imagined when we began the project.
In closing I'll just leave you with the rallying cry that drove my team forward in bringing the story of the Wereth Eleven to life, "It's For the Men."