Posted by : Robert Child Sunday

In an incident perhaps akin to lightening striking the same producer / director twice last week US Congressman, Jim Gerlach, 6th District, Pennsylvania office in Washington reached out to me. They informed me that this coming week they planned to introduce a bill in Congress to honor the service of the fallen Wereth Eleven.

Six years ago in 2007 Congresswoman, Carolyn McCarthy, of New York spearheaded a Joint Congressional Resolution to honor the service of America's WWII glider pilots. The catalyst for her steering of the bill through the armed services committee was the release that spring of my film with Inecom Entertainment, Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of WWII. The glider pilots were one of the few remaining front-line units in WWII which had never had their service recognized. Congresswoman McCarthy was able to schedule the vote on the bill on the same day of Silent Wing's release, March 20, 2007. The measure went on to pass unanimously.

Jim Gerlach
In this new House Resolution being submitted for consideration this week Congressman Gerlach not only wants to recognize the service of the Wereth Eleven but the ultimate goal is to correct the Congressional War Crimes Report of 1949 by adding the war crime at Wereth to the official record. This was pointed out in our story as very much the "smoking gun" which is revealed at the end of the film.

On behalf of the production team and myself we are equal parts humbled and thrilled that our production may have played a small role in bringing the virtually unknown story of the Wereth Eleven to the attention of the American public and Congress. And the potential to literally rewrite the historical record with the addition of the Wereth Eleven war crime to the official 1949 Congressional Report is an incredible development that none of us would have ever imagined when we began the project.

In closing I'll just leave you with the rallying cry that drove my team forward in bringing the story of the Wereth Eleven to life,  "It's For the Men."

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    This is wonderful Rob. You must be thrilled with this news. The film is bringing so much attention to this important event in our history.
    I'm curious about how Congressman Gerlach came to hear about it.

  2. Yes it is Lisa. I am not sure how they heard about the story but they had researched it and my name kept coming up they said. So their Communications Director said they had to reach out to me.

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