Archive for December 2022

A Conversation with Chloe Gavin Beatty Youngest Daughter of WWII General James Gavin

Join Robert Child for a conversation with Chloe Gavin Beatty. Chloe is the youngest daughter of legendary WWII general James Gavin and made the decision recently to publish her father’s WWII diary as a book. The book is called, Gavin at War: The WWII diary of Lt. General James M. Gavin.  LISTEN NOW.

Posted by Robert Child

Second Half of December Guests on Point of the Spear

We finished the month and the year out strong with a great lineup of shows. Christmas week we had two episodes. First was my conversation with John Koopman III a historian and author who portrays General George Washington in major motion pictures and television. Then on Christmas Eve, we had a very special episode, Christmas 1942. The program integrated radio broadcasts and music of the time to recreate that time and era. Plus I interviewed Peter Harmsen who wrote, Darkest Christmas: December 1942 and a World at War. It's was one Christmas special you didn't want to miss. Finally, during the last week of the year Chloe Gavin Beatty, the youngest daughter of WWII general James Gavin came on the show to discuss her father's war-time diary that has just been released as a book. I could not think of a better way to close our third season. January starts the 4th Season of Point of the Spear and we've got a stellar line in store. Have a wonderful and a Very Happy New Year!

Posted by Robert Child

Philadelphia's Only Medal of Honor recipient of the Vietnam War

Join me for a conversation with author Kevin Ferris. Kevin spent more than thirty years at the Philadelphia Inquirer, the last ten as a columnist. His freelance work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, The Weekly Standard, and the Christian Science Monitor. His book with coauthor, John Siegfried is called No Greater Love: The Story of Michael Crescenz, Philadelphia’s Only Medal of Honor Recipient of the Vietnam War. LISTEN NOW
Posted by Robert Child


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