Archive for December 2013
Invite the Mob Over for Boxing Day in the UK

Today only, Boxing Day, beginning at 9AM, Blood Betrayal, is part of a Kindle Countdown Deal only in the UK on Amazon UK.
The story:
bodies are piling high -- 36 unsolved gangland murders at last count --
and FBI Supervisor.
Invite the Mob Over for Christmas Eve

Today only, beginning at 9AM, Blood Betrayal, is part of a Kindle Countdown Deal. The longer you wait to buy the higher the price rises. This one day sale lasts only till 11PM tonight. Then it's all over, kaput or in mob terms "rubbed out."
Pennsylvania Congressmen Gerlach and Fattah Recogize the Wereth 11

Two Pennsylvania Congressmen, Jim Gerlach and Chaka Fattah issued a joint press release today announcing their introduction of a resolution formally recognizing the service of the Wereth 11. The full press release is below.
Wereth Eleven Story Sparks Congressional Action

In an incident perhaps akin to lightening striking the same producer / director twice last week US Congressman, Jim Gerlach, 6th District, Pennsylvania office in Washington reached out to me. They informed me that this coming week they planned to.