Archive for June 2015
Thomas Child Cited for Courage at Fredericksburg Battle

I wanted to write a follow up post to my discovery about my Great-grandfather, Thomas Webber Child. And a debt of gratitude goes out to Don Thompson historian of the 18th Massachusetts for this information.
First of all I knew little about my Dad's.
New Screenplay and Manuscript Analysis and Consulting Services Offered

Today I am announcing new professional services for authors as well as screenwriters. I have been asked by folks over the years to review or take a look at their stories. I am always humbled as it means they value my opinion. But they also know.
My Great Grandfather Fought at Little Round Top
18th Massachusetts Monument at Gettysburg
I guess you can file this in the category of amazing discoveries, or simply "wow I never knew!" Thanks to a free trial at I discovered my Civil War lineage. I have done count 'em three films.