Posted by : Robert Child Saturday

It's a Revolutionary Christmas on Point of the Spear. First, on December 22nd join Robert Child for a conversation with Managing Editor of the Journal of the American Revolution Don Hagist. Don is an independent researcher specializing in the demographics and material culture of the British Army in the American Revolution and has published a number of articles in academic journals.

Then on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Point of the Spear Special Presentation The Christmas Crossing.
Late December 1776 – A ragged Continental army has now put an icy river between themselves and the pursing British army. The men in blue and buff uniforms have known nothing but defeat and had once again made a narrow escape while the Congress at Philadelphia reflecting no confidence in their troops prepare to evacuate to Baltimore. Washington’s besieged men reflect the state of a nation weary of war and a cause on the brink of extinction. They are an army in waiting - waiting for ammunition, blankets and reinforcements. But others, nearly half, are simply waiting for their enlistments to be up on January 1, 1777. Within days Washington would have no men with which to fight and the cause and the dream of independence would be over. This is the backdrop of one of the most daring surprise attacks in American history - Washington's crossing of the Delaware and the subsequent victory at Trenton. Told in an urgent narrative style, Washington's Crossing: America's First D-Day, reveals the cast of characters and many untold aspects of the Crossing that made the victory even that much more incredible.

This presentation is part of a much longer audiobook. America’s First D-day available at the links below. USA UK
Thank you for listening and Happy Holidays!


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