Posted by : Robert Child Thursday

I was asked recently to create a blog about my films and projects and I thought what a good idea, why hadn't I thought of that. Then I realized that it was because I am a part of a generation which actually listened to 8 - track tapes. I even had one in my '73 Nova (had to put a matchbook under the 8 tracks in the deck so they would play correctly). And of course, how could I forget that very special Christmas when I received my own 8-track recorder to make my own tapes. Life was good indeed.

Why all this nostalgia about 8-track tapes on a blog in 2007? Because they were cool in their day and now writing a blog, downloading music and videos to an IPOD is cool in it's day. Is "cool" still cool? Do people in the know still say "cool"? Or am I dating myself by using this dusty archaic slang reference which may reveal that in fact I may be losing or have already lost my cool. Let's hope not because many people consider me a person who rarely loses his cool.

The other factor besides the 8-track factor in what I deem my earlier resistance to penning a blog is what I will call the "Lazy Christmas/Holiday letter" factor. I see that guilty smile. For those fortunate enough to have never received one, I will elaborate. The holidays are such a rush-rush time running around to parties and buying last minute gifts that who has time to write a personal note to each person on their holiday mailing list. No, that will not do. It is much better to list each of your own family member's accomplishments, promotions, European trips, academic achievements and funny (to them) incidents from the past year. Yes that's just the ticket to spread holiday cheer. I did not want my blog to be the "Lazy Christmas/Holiday Letter".

Now to the business at hand...cue the promotional music bed please, great. I was very pleased to learn only last week that PBS and PBS HD is airing my film Lincoln and Lee at Antietam twice in prime-time on President's Day Feb. 19th. (check your local listings) The film,when I began writing it, was all about the tragedy of the battle of Antietam but truly became a story about the courage and political genius of Abraham Lincoln. I was extremely fortunate as well to work with some of the foremost Lincoln scholars who provided me eye-opening insight that I hadn't earlier considered. Lincoln remains a towering figure as well as a dividing figure still today. Witness Virginia lawmakers decision just today to kill creating a commission to oversee the state's participation in the Lincoln bicentennial in 2009. It is obvious that wounds from the Civil War still remain.

And of course I cannot close today's blog without mentioning (promotional music again please) the upcoming release of my Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of WWII film. It took eleven years to bring it to the screen and I took the reins of the project four years ago to bring it across the finish line. Some stories need to be told and this is one of them. That is why I stuck with the project for so long. The film reveals the brave exploits of America's WWII glider pilots during all of WWII. They were the only front line aviators who had no guns, no motors and no parachutes. Every mission was one way and the glider pilots had to find their own way home. That should tell you something about guts. I hope you pick up a copy on March 20th.

That will close my first ever blog in cyber space, like the age old question, "when a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?" "Does a blog posted on the web".... you know the rest.

In my next post I will fill you in on some exciting new projects I am working on this year. It is going to be a great year and I hope, through this blogging, that you come to know the lighter side of this serious filmmaker.

All my best,


One Response so far.

  1. The new blog looks great! Looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming projects.


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