Archive for 2008
The NHL 91 Years Old and on the Rise

It was on November 26, 1917 that the National Hockey League was founded in Montreal. Teams included the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Arenas, and Quebec Bulldogs. And the first NHL games were played on December 19,.
Thanksgiving NFL schedule – For the Birds
This year’s Turkey Day 2008 (Thanksgiving) truly is one if you want to invest quality time into watching horrible NFL games. One word, which politely describes the three scheduled matchups, is “one-sided”. First off at 12:30P (EST) is Tennessee (10-1).
Still the best college football game I ever saw Boston College vs. Miami November 23, 1984
It is around this time of the year in late November that I recall the game, which cemented my devotion to college football. I was a 21-year-old kid home from college and sat down to witness a duel that demanded your undivided attention - Boston College.
Finally A Ride in a Glider!

It may seem odd or perhaps not that the director of Silent Wings which seems to have become the definitive account of American glider aviators during WWII had never flown in a glider. Yes, that was true at least until yesterday. My wife had gotten.